SNC Development

ServiceNow & Other Writings by EcoStratus Technologies

Service-Now data pull – python vs perl

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Service-now is a IT service management software that hosts a wide ranging list of reports from different modules of IT services that are organized into tables. ServiceNow publishes its underlying table structures and associated data that can be pulled via SOAP query. This can be achieved through any scripting language. Although, python is my default goto scripting language, the soap client in python are not very well maintained. The most pythonic of those is the SUDS which does not seem to work well with service now api. While it is pretty slick and easy to get the basic data output using python/suds, as you move to more complex queries python fails. This is a known issue.

The __limit and encoded query does not seem to have the desired effect on the output as SUDS never passes these. So after few trials I ended up using Perl for the data…

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